Sandra Weiner (1921-2014) was born in the town of Drohiczan, Poland and immigrated to the United States in 1928. She met the photographer Dan Weiner in 1940 and took photography courses from him as well as from Paul Strand at the Photo League. She and Weiner were married in 1942. In 1947 she began working with her husband on his freelance assignments for Fortune, LIFE, Sports Illustrated, Harper's Bazaar, and other publications. They continued collaborating until his death in in 1959. Sandra Weiner worked as one of the earliest picture editors for Sports Illustrated Magazine. Weiner published four children’s books, illustrated with her own photographs, It's Wings That Make Birds Fly (1968), Small Hands, Big Hands (1970), They Call Me Jack (1973), and I Want to be a Fisherman (1977). Weiner taught photography at New York University and at the City University of New York. Her work has been exhibited at the Akron Museum of Art and the Port Washington Public Library.