Leela Corman is a painter, educator, and graphic novel creator. Her books include Unterzakhn (Schocken/Pantheon, 2012) and the short comics collection We All Wish For Deadly Force (Retrofit/Big Planet, 2016). She is currently at work on the graphic novel Victory Parade, a story about WWII, women's wrestling, and the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp. Her short comics have appeared in The Believer Magazine, Tablet Magazine, Nautilus, and The Nib.
2022 - Victory Parade, Schocken/Pantheon
2016 - We All Wish For Deadly Force, Retrofit/Big Planet
2012 - Unterzakhn, Schocken/Pantheon, Published in translation by Editions Ca Et La (France), Hop Edizioni (Italy), Ediciones La Cupula (Spain), XTRA (The Netherlands), Epix (Sweden)
2002 - Subway Series, Alternative Books
1999 - Queen's Day, Xeric Grant Winner
2015 - ROMICS Prize for Best Anglo-American Comic
2014 - Society of Illustrators Silver Medal for Digital Comics
2013 - Finalist, L.A. Times Book Award
2013 - Finalist, Eisner Award
2013 - Finalist, Le Prix Artemisia
2013 - Le Prix Millepages
2021 (Sept) - Macdowell Colony, Peterborough, New Hampshire
2019 (Fall) - Yaddo, Saratoga Springs, NY
2019 (April) - Trailer Blaze, Seaview, Washington
2018 (June) - Illustration Institute, Peaks Island, Maine
2018 (Fall) - Sustainable Arts Foundation Grant
1999 (Fall) - Xeric Foundation Grant
2018 (Fall) - Sex, Death, and Visceral Honesty: Artworks and Publications by Independent Women's Comic Book Artists from the 1960's Underground Movement to Today, co-curated by Leela Corman and Layet Johnson for Central Connecticut State University's Fine Art Gallery
2019 (Fall) - Indie Americans, traveling show, LaVallée Cultural Center, Brussels, Belgium, Fall 2018/ BD Amiens, Amiens, France, Spring 2019; Quai des Bulles Festival, Saint-Malo, France
2016 - Interference Archive, Brooklyn NY
2016 (Summer) - Solo show at Volta, Gainesville FL
2016 (Summer) - Society of Illustrators Comics & Cartoon Art Anthology Show
2015 (Summer) - JOMIX: Group Show of Jewish Comics, Philadelphia PA
2015 (Spring) - Group Show, Protocol Gallery, Gainesville, FL
2014 (Oct) - Tell It To My Face, Turn-Based Press, Miami, Florida
2014 (Summer) - Society of Illustrators Comics & Cartoon Art Anthology Show
2014 (May) - Everyday Heartbreaks, Solo Exhibition, Books & Books, Coral Gables, FL
2014 & 2013 (Spring) MASS Visual Arts Group Show, Gainesville FL
2014 (Feb) - Graphic Jews: Negotiating Identity In Sequential Art, Tang Museum, Skidmore College, Saratoga NY
2013 (Fall) - Drawable, Group show at F.L.A. Gallery, Gainesville FL, Fall 2013 MASS Visual Arts group exhibition, Gainesville FL
2013 (Oct) - Drawings And Stories: The Graphic Novel Art of Leela Corman and Tom Hart, St. Johns College, Palatka FL
2012 (Spring) - MASS Visual Arts group exhibition, Gainesville, FL, Fall 2012 Mid-career retrospective, SAW Gallery, Gainesville, FL, curated by Tom Hart